lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

The Ghost Inside

I will steal your pencils and your rubber
because I want to draw another story...
one story of you out of my life.

doesn't matter how far I am from you,
I feel you like I know you since I was born

Will you fight for my lost soul
as I have always fought for you?

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Pretend to be

Sometimes I feel like there's no relationship that
matters your efforts, always you discovers that
all the princes/princess have a beast inside...
So, what do you do if you feel so alone when
you stay in a crowd...
I just want

just walk away.
Lift me up, let me GO.

martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

HATE rainy(and windy) nights


because i miss you so much, i remember when i was praying
with you to fight my fear, when you said always to me that
you were there, that i didn't had to have fear...
sometimes i hear your voice like it was yesterday the last
time i speak with left me 3 years ago...
how fast time has come and past...but memories can ever last forever...
so wake me up...when September ends.

You are gone...buf I know
that i will never be lonely
I love you so much, my Angel

So when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010


Ojalá pudiera controlar los latigazos sensoriales que me inhundan
de un tiempo a esta parte...ira desbocada, miedo irrefrenable, cariño
a borbotones, deseo desconmesurado, locura crónica...

Piensa, repiensa y vuelve a pensar...como en un corro de la
patata en el que no dejas de jugar...

¿Es la imitacion de la naturaleza el verdadero conocimiento de
las cosas, o hay que echarle imaginación al asunto?

domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010

Warning Sign

Quizas solamente busco una señal de peligro,
o tal vez un tren nuevo que tomar...
a lo mejor es necesario que abandone este
tren viejo y destartalado que no lleva a ninguna
parte, en el que me monté aún sabiendas de que
sus salidas estaban oxidadas y me iba a costar
bajarme porque me gusta conocer sus históricos
interiores...parches de otras épocas que no
todo el mundo los ve con ojos iniciados...

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2010

The Violet Hour

Cuanto menos te tengo, más necesidad tengo de ti.
formas parte de mi anatomía, pienso contigo y sin
ti...sin ti no soy nada.